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Newman Catholic College

NewmanCatholic College

A UNICEF Rights Respecting School

Literacy Newsletter for Parents

Welcome to our first Literacy Newsletter for Parents


Dear Parent/Carer

During remote learning and beyond we want to continue to help you support your son or daughter in their learning. We are committed to improving literacy across the school. Literacy is the way in which we read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Here at Newman Catholic College we understand that developing literacy must take place across the curriculum, in each subject. 

This Newsletter, Issue 1, provides signposts for parents. It offers tips, useful websites, suggestions for wider reading around a topic and important subject vocabulary so that you can support your child's progress.

Please read the newsletter and talk to your son or daughter about their subjects. In this issue, Headteacher Mr Coyle has highlighted his favourite book. If your son or daughter would like to see their Book Review in the next issue, or if as a parent you would like to contribute a book review (for a book aimed at school years 7-11), please email it to us. 

Thank you

Ms K O'Malley (Whole School Literacy Co-ordinator)