EAL COLLEGE - English as an Additional Language
It is our priority that all EAL students and new arrivals feel safe, accepted and valued in order to learn effectively and become engaged and active citizens within the NCC community and wider society.
We welcome students aged 11-17 years old at all stages of English. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for students from different countries and cultures and give every support needed for each student to feel welcomed, comfortable and included in our school life. Our curriculum offer includes English, Maths, Science, RE, Drama, Art, PE, IT, Employability and D&T. Enrichment activities including weekly trips, poetry, music, multimedia projects and other initiatives supporting refugee students contribute to the students’ cultural capital by offering new life experiences and further enhancing learning, social and emotional development.
EAL provision is based on a meaningful assessment of pupils’ prior knowledge and experience as well as language skills. We believe that in order for students to acquire English skills and make rapid progress across the curriculum, they need to feel confident and happy in their school environment. In order to enable students to overcome any barriers, we endeavour to promote social justice through education and offer a pathway to a better life.
‘Everyone Counts, Everyone Contributes, Everyone succeeds,’ we take great pride in these sentiments as they form the core of our school community. For students, who are learning English as a second language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and background. Our aim is to promote tolerance and to build harmonious communities.
EAL College within the NCC school consists of:
- KS3 Pathway (Year 7,8,9)
- Pre-Pathway (KS3/4)
- five KS4 EAL pathways
There are also suitable EAL options in the 6th Form available for different stages of English.
EAL students who are beginners in English do not attend mainstream classes and instead are taught English, Maths, Science, IT, RE, PE, Drama and Art as a separate group following a primary school curriculum combined with KS3 curriculum in the form of a fast-track. English and Maths are delivered by an experienced primary school teacher working together with a skilled TA. Students in this group can transit to mainstream classes once they are confident and independent learners and the length of this intervention depends purely on the progress of the students.
This programme is designed for students who may not be ready on their arrival at NCC to join other EAL pathways. It allows the students to observe and to adapt to the school life, make friends and gain confidence while learning phonics, basic skills in Maths and Literacy enhanced in carefully adapted learning programmes in other subjects including Science, RE, Drama, PE, Lexia, ICT and Art. Students in this group transit to other EAL pathways or mainstream groups when they feel more confident and prepared for more academic challenges.
We are currently offering five KS4 Pathways (P More A, P More B, P Newman A, P Newman B and P Newman C) to EAL students, who have missed the beginning of their KS4 studies. EAL students are carefully enrolled into these groups in accordance with their broad academic and personal needs. Our department’s aim is to offer a comprehensive and meaningful curriculum to boost students’ knowledge and skills along with the English language skills. They study Entry and Level 1 and 2 courses in English, Maths and Science. Some more able students are offered a GCSE Maths course. The EAL KS4 curriculum is enriched with RE, Drama, Resistant Materials, PE, Music, ICT Lexia, Catering and Art. Engagement of students in our curriculum programme prepares them effectively for their further studies in the 6th Form where they can be enrolled for GCSE and BTEC L1/L2 courses depending on their progress, abilities and interests.
Drama - The Drama lessons are designed to enhance young people’s confidence, self-esteem, improve acting and communication skills. Many boys and girls have made an impressive stride. It reflects how important and beneficial drama classes are!
Catering - EAL students prepare and cook an array of wonderful dishes. Students learn about creating a balanced diet, the names of different fruits and vegetables and gain experience and confidence in using the kitchen.
Gardening – Some students have been developing their gardening skills from looking after the plants and the flowerbeds around the school, to preparing for a kitchen garden in the Spring. Students worked together to learn the names of the tools and how to use them and plant hundreds of daffodils, tulips, bluebells and crocuses around the gates and the lawn area under the trees.
EAL cinema club- Every Friday, lunch time -1.30-2pm:
Since January 2018 EAL Department has launched ‘THE EAL CINEMA CLUB’. Every Friday during lunch time EAL students are invited to join the EAL team in H8 to enjoy a diverse and multicultural experience by watching a variety of appropriate chosen subtitled films while enhancing their English language acquisition. Students are encouraged to listen and read carefully in order to benefit from good models of English Language. All students who join us, are enthusiastic and build their knowledge of English culture, heritage and customs. Also, this is a good opportunity to meet others and build up friendships while gaining confidence in English language. The students are spontaneously happy to share their own popcorn amongst them!!! TRIPS: Cultural Capital weekly field trips are organised by the EAL team to all project groups to complement the curriculum and engage the students by offering new experiences and further enhancing learning, social and emotional development. Variety of educational trips allow the students to experience the English culture and heritage and expand their knowledge.
- Trips take place on alternative Thursdays
- Each time a different project group has an opportunity to go.
- Lexia lessons are offered to all EAL Pathway groups and, in chosen English mainstream lessons, to EAL students in Year 7 and 8.
- All EAL students are welcome to attend Lexia Reading and Homework Club after school daily, 3.10 – 3.30pm.
- All project groups are invited to Morning Guided Reading with EAL teachers with the aim to improve their reading skills. This takes place in morning registration time.
- Small groups of students read basic phonetic books to gain phonics knowledge and become independent and confident readers.
- The students are supported and challenged according to their abilities.
- Guided reading contributes to expansion of vocabulary and help students to enjoy reading books.
EAL College Curriculum at NCC