PSHE and RSE Relationships and Sex Education
Through our PSHE curriculum, we want to give our students the skills and knowledge to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society. PSHE education covers mental health and wellbeing; physical health (including healthy lifestyles and first aid); learning about safe, healthy relationships and sex (including understanding consent, negotiating life online, intimate relationships).
Our PSHE curriculum has three core learning themes:
Health and Wellbeing
Careers and Living in the Wider World
Relationships and Sex Education
The content will be covered through PSHE sessions on Thursday afternoons, Assemblies, Guest Speakers and Drop Down Days.
In light of changes to requirements for relationships and sex education (RSE), we’ve consulted with governors, pupils, parents and staff on how we can make sure that our updated RSE curriculum meets the new requirements as well as the needs of our pupils.
We’ve worked hard to make sure that our new curriculum reflects:
Our pupils’ age and maturity levels, as well as their cultural and religious backgrounds
The values of our school community
Every pupil’s learning needs
What pupils need to know to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world
This curriculum is part of our PSHE provision and will be covered during Drop Down Days, Assemblies and Tutor Time.