Spiritual Life
Everyone Counts, Everyone Contributes, Everyone Succeeds
is our school motto. We take great pride in these sentiments as they form the core ethos of our school community as they represent the essence of life at Newman Catholic College.
The College is an institution where care and support for each individual is combined with an insistence upon the highest standards of achievement and progress for students of all abilities.
Our ambition is to highlight each student’s strengths and build on the skills that they need to develop in order to achieve academically and be successful contributors to their family life and the wider community.
In practical terms this means that our ethos has wide support amongst the community and ensures that the school welcomes young people of all faiths and backgrounds.
Newman Catholic College is a happy and positive environment in which to study and work. Attendance is above the national average and the school is growing rapidly. We firmly believe that the excellent relationships that exist across the school community form the foundation of success for all.
We place academic achievement at the heart of all we do and celebrate pupil success during every assembly. The school formally assesses all pupils six times during the year including two internal examination weeks. We strive to ensure our recent successes in academic attainment and progress continue to grow.